Youth Investment
Through these efforts, we are committed to improving the lives of young people and helping them achieve their full potential.

Scholarships from Masonic Lodges and Masonic Groups
Masonic Lodges, Masonic Appendant and Concordant Bodies offer scholarships across the State of Washington. Criteria, award amount, and timelines vary. Explore below to see what you might qualify for.
Local Lodge scholarship programs are independent of WAMS.
The WAMS Scholarship program is in addition to, and doesn’t replace, Local Lodge scholarships.
Scholarship Applications Open November 2024 – March 2025
• Child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, sibling or dependent (IRS definition) (or one who was in good standing at the time of his death) of a member in good standing of a Washington Masonic Lodge working under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington.
• Washington State High School Senior who is pursuing higher education.
• A minimum 3.0 GPA
• Dependent of a member in good standing of a Washington Masonic Lodge working under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington, his child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild, sibling or dependent (IRS definition) (or one who was in good standing at the time of his death.
• Washington State High School Senior who is pursuing higher education.
• A minimum 3.0 GPA
Supporting our Masonic Youth is a priority of Washington Masonic Services.
• Washington State resident youth who is a current member of DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, Knights of Pythagoras, or Rainbow Girls graduating Senior in 2024.
• Immigrant, with limited resources, starting his/her first year of study.
• If the student is non-English speaking, a C average must be maintained.
• For an English speaker, a B average be maintained.
• Applications from students from Ukraine and Latin America will be given preference.
• A second year award is possible if the student meets the first year qualifying grade.
Application Information:
See Our Scholarships
Application Deadline: March 31st, 2025.
Timeline: Applications reviewed April-May 2025.
Final Announcement no later than June 1, 2025.
Questions: Contact Aaron Simon at (253) 267-8625,
or email
Scholarships from Masonic Lodges and Masonic Groups
Masonic Lodges, Masonic Appendant and Concordant Bodies offer scholarships across the State of Washington. Criteria, award amount, and timelines vary. Explore below to see what you might qualify for:
Statewide Scholarships ( Appendant & Concordant Bodies )
Name of Scholarship | Scottish Rite Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $3,000 |
Number of Scholarships | 100+ |
Area of Eligibility | |
Year Requirements | College Junior or Senior (Entering 3 or 4 year of undergraduate) |
Eligibility Requirements | Washington State Resident, Full time student in Accredited College or University in Washington State, 3.0 G.P.A. or better |
Available to General Public | Yes |
Application | |
Name of Scholarship | Amaranth Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,000 |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | None- Undergraduate Degree only |
Eligibility Requirements | 1.) A minimum of a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) 2.) A permanent resident of the state of Washington. 3.) A member of Job’s Daughters, or Rainbow for Girls in the Washington/Idaho Jurisdiction. or DeMolay (including Majority Members and Senior DeMolay) 4.) Or the Son, Daughter, Step-son, Step-daughter, Grandchild, or Great Grandchild of a Master Mason in good standing in the State of Washington. 5.) Or a member of the Order of the Amaranth in the State of Washington. Or the Son, Daughter, Step-son, Step-daughter, Grandchild, or Great Grandchild of a member of the Order of the Amaranth in the State of Washington. |
Available to General Public | No- Masonic Affiliation Required |
High School (s) Required | Any accredited High School in Washington State |
Application | |
Name of Scholarship | Eastern Star Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | Full -time under-graduate students who have completed at least one year of the required course work (45 credits/30semester hours) to receive their degree/certification |
(this scholarship may be renewable with a new application each year) | |
Eligibility Requirements | Resident of Washington State and at least one of the following: |
a. A member of the Order of the Eastern Star in the Grand Jurisdiction of Washington. | |
b. A member of the Masonic Lodge in Washington. | |
c. The child, legally adopted child, step-child, grandchild, widow, wife, sister or mother of a member of the Order of the Eastern Star or a Mason whose membership is/was in the State of Washington. | |
d. A member in good standing in one of the three Masonic affiliated youth groups in Washington jurisdiction: International Order of DeMolay, Job’s Daughters International, or the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. | |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | |
Name of Scholarship | Knights Templar Educational Foundation |
Amount of Scholarship | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Year Requirements | 3rd or 4th Year of Undergraduate Studies |
Eligibility Requirements | A U.S. Citizen Washington State Resident Attending, Full Time, A Bachelor Degree Awarding College or University in Washington State Going into 3rd or 4th year of undergraduate studies. Maintaining a GPA (college level) of at least 3.0 Willing to attend our Grand Sessions, as our guest, to receive award recognition |
Available to General Public | Yes |
Application | Contact a Member to refer to KT Deputy Instructor closest to you |
Name of Scholarship | Susie Holmes Memorial Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,500 |
Number of Scholarships | 1 |
Year Requirements | High school seniors |
Eligibility Requirements | 1. A high school graduate with a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0 |
2. Dedicated, continuous, and joyful service to Job’s Daughters | |
3. Regular attendance at Supreme and/or Grand Sessions and participation in competitions at Supreme. | |
4. A Daughter who promotes friendship and impartiality in her Bethel and exhibits good character and integrity | |
5. A Majority Member currently installed in an office | |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | | |
Name of Scholarship | Supreme Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $750 |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | High school seniors or graduates, junior college, technical school or college students and students who are in early graduation programs who are Job’s Daughters in good standing in their Bethel, or will be at the time of Majority, may apply for these scholarships. |
Eligibility Requirements | The purpose of these Scholarships is to aid Job’s Daughters students of outstanding ability who have a sincerity of purpose. |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | | |
Name of Scholarship | T & T HIKE Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,000 |
Number of Scholarships | 1 |
Year Requirements | A Majority Member entering her junior or higher year of college in Audiology, Speech Pathology or Deaf Education |
Eligibility Requirements | The purpose of these Scholarships is to aid Job’s Daughters students of outstanding ability who have a sincerity of purpose. |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | | |
Name of Scholarship | Frank S. Land |
Amount of Scholarship | $3,000 |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | Active DeMolay with a High School Diploma |
Eligibility Requirements | Active DeMolay with a High School Diploma. |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | |
Name of Scholarship | DeMolay Foundation Graduate Studies Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $3,000 |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | Graduate Studies |
Eligibility Requirements | Active DeMolay with a High School Diploma. |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | |
Amount of Scholarship | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Year Requirements | Rainbow Girls in good standing or Majority Members who: |
1) Have not passed their 25th birthday at the time of Grand Assembly, and | |
2) Have completed, or are presently in their first year of postsecondary education at the time of making the application (This may include running start). | |
3) A Rainbow girl or Majority member may receive scholarship support from the Rainbow Dad’s Scholarship Fund a maximum of two times. | |
Eligibility Requirements | Active Rainbow Girl |
Available to General Public | NO |
Application | |
Lodge Scholarships (by Region)
Local Lodge scholarship programs are independent.
The Washington Masonic Charities Scholarship program does not replace Local Lodge scholarships.
Northwest Region
Masonic District | 2 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Ashler 121 Secondary Academic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Year Requirements | |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | |
Application | Through Cascadia Community College |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Scholarship Amount | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | Varies |
Scholarship Name | PB Cornwall Scholarship |
Application | Inquire with Lodge |
Lodge District | 10 |
Masonic District | 9 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Carrie Grafton |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Burlington Edison |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 9 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | P.A. Stendal |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Sedro-Woolley |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with High School Counselor or Lodge |
Requirements | High School Junior, Merit and Need Based |
Scholarship Name | Crystal Lodge Junior Achievement Scholarship |
Lodge District | 8 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 ($1000), 10 ($100) |
Scholarship Amount | $100-$1,000 |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with Lodge |
Requirements | High School Senior, Merit and Need Based |
Scholarship Name | Charles Curtis Scholarship |
Lodge District | 8 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Scholarship Amount | $500 |
Lodge District | 2 |
Scholarship Name | Edmonds Lodge Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | 1-2 |
Requirements | High School Student of Edmonds or Lynwood School Districts |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Lodge District | 30 |
Scholarship Name | Kettle Falls No. 130 Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Requirements | Merit Based |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Lodge District | 9 |
Scholarship Name | Langley Lodge Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | $50-$500 |
Number of Scholarships | 3-5 |
Requirements | High School Senior, Merit Based |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Lodge District | 10 |
Scholarship Name | Lynden/Ferndale Lodge Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | $1500 |
Number of Scholarships | 5 |
Requirements | High School Senior in Blaine, Ferndale, Lynden, Meridian, or Nooksack Valley School Districts |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 2 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Cloyse & Rosie Clayton Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,000 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs and Merit Based |
Available to General Public | NO. Children & grandchildren of members, and members of a Masonic Youth Group in D2 or D8. |
High School (s) Required | Masonic District 2 and 8 (Northern King County and Snohomish County ) |
Application | For paper application please contact they also have a facebook page |
Masonic District | 9 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | San Juan Masonic Lodge No. 175 Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $500-$1,500 |
Number of Scholarships | 8-10 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | 2.0 GPA. Needs Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Orcas Island High School, Friday Harbor High School, Lopez High School |
Application | Paper application through Guidance Councilor |
Lodge District | 11 |
Scholarship Name | Sequim Masonic Foundation Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | Up to $2000 |
Number of Scholarships | Up to 10 |
Requirements | Sequim High School Senior, Merit Based |
Available to General Public? | Sequim High School Students Only |
Application | Contact James Hansen at |
Lodge District | 13 |
Scholarship Name | Verity Lodge No. 59 Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | $1000 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Requirements | |
Available to General Public? | |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 2 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Unnamed |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | Funds are distributed through a separate fund who determines qualifications and application |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Varied based on fund distributing scholarship |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 5 |
WAMC Region | Northwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | St. John’s Scholarship Award |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Seniors, Continuing Education for Adults |
Eligibility Requirements | Merit Based, Need Based, Community Involvement and Essay |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | King County |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Southwest Region
Masonic District | 15 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Junior Year Achievement Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Junior |
Eligibility Requirements | Need Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Puyallup HS, Emerald Ridge HS and Rogers HS |
Application | Inquire with Lodge |
Masonic District | 14 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Fairweather Masonic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | Varies |
Number of Scholarships | 3 |
Year Requirements | Graduating High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Need Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Tacoma School District |
Application | Recommendation from McKinney Vento Liaison / requests can be emailed to |
Masonic District | 18 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Ilwaco Masons Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 6 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Graduating Senior. Merit and Need Based. |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Ilwaco, Willapa, South Bend, Naselle, Raymond, all 7 High Schools in Pacific County or Lodge relative |
Application | Paper Application available through Guidance Councilor |
Masonic District | 17 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Olympia Masonic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,000 |
Number of Scholarships | 7 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Need Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Thurston County or Lodge Relative |
Application | |
Masonic District | 15 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Outstanding Junior Scholarship Program |
Amount of Scholarship | $1,000-$1,500 |
Number of Scholarships | 4 |
Year Requirements | High School Junior |
Eligibility Requirements | Merit Based, Well rounded student achievement and activities |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Sumner and Bonney Lake High Schools |
Application | |
Lodge District | 17 |
Scholarship Name | Robert Morris Lodge Scholarship |
Scholarship Amount | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 10 |
Requirements | High School Senior, Merit Based |
Available to General Public? | Yes |
Application | Contact Michael Webb at |
Masonic District | 12 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Charles Gale Masonic Memorial Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | 2nd Year Undergraduate |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based, Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Olympic College |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 17 |
WAMC Region | Southwest Region |
Name of Scholarship | Elizabeth & Fred Haerlen Masonic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Seniors |
Eligibility Requirements | Need and Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Elma High School |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Central Region
Lodge Name | Badger Mountain No. 57 |
Masonic District | 21 |
WAMC Region | Central Region |
Name of Scholarship | George Wilcox Memorial |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Scholarships shall be awarded based upon academic performance, industry, character, and need, and will be given annually to deserving students. The selection committee shall be the sole judge of need and other criteria in determining recipients. All information provided by the applicant will be treated by the scholarship committee as highly confidential. Each year, the number of scholarships awarded will vary according to available funds. |
Students are eligible to receive the scholarship up to four (4) times. | |
Available to General Public | Yes- Waterville and Mansfield students and sons/daughters of members of Badger Mountain Lodge #57 |
High School (s) Required | Waterville and Mansfield |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 21 |
WAMC Region | Central Region |
Name of Scholarship | Hermanos Del Arte Masonic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Essay and Letter of Recommendation Required |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Chelan High School |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 22 |
WAMC Region | Central Region |
Name of Scholarship | Herbert and Elizabeth Davis Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $16,500 Total (varies per) |
Number of Scholarships | 6 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | High School Senior, 3.0 GPA. Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Any High School in Okanagan County |
Application | |
WAMC Region | Central Region |
Name of Scholarship | Prosser High School Masonic Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Principal Selection |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Prosser |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Eastern Region
Masonic District | 22 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Oroville Aurora Masonic Lodge #201 |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Needs Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Oroville |
Application | |
High School (s) Required | Waterville and Mansfield |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 29 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Almira Masonic Lodge No 120 |
Amount of Scholarship | $600 |
Number of Scholarships | 3 (one per school) |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Almira/Creston, Coulee/Hartline, and Lake Roosevelt. |
Application | |
Masonic District | 27 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Concordia Lodge Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | Up to $3000 |
Number of Scholarships | Up to 3 |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Need Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
Application | Contact Dan Fouts at |
Lodge District27Scholarship NameConcordia Lodge ScholarshipScholarship AmountUp to $3000Number of ScholarshipsUp to 3RequirementsHigh School Senior, Need BasedAvailable to General Public?YesApplicationContact Dan Fouts at
Masonic District | 30 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Newport Lodge No. 144 Senior Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | |
Number of Scholarships | |
Year Requirements | High School Seniors |
Eligibility Requirements | Merit Based |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Cusik, Newport, Selkirk |
Application | Inquire with the Lodge |
Masonic District | 26 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Waverly Masonic Lodge Scholarship |
Amount of Scholarship | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 2 |
Year Requirements | High School Seniors |
Eligibility Requirements | Need Based |
Available to General Public | Yes – staff recommendation to scholarship committee- NO application for student |
High School (s) Required | Waverly |
Application | This need based scholarship is by staff recommendation |
Masonic District | 26 |
WAMC Region | Eastern Region |
Name of Scholarship | Whitman and Hiram Lodge Scholarships |
Amount of Scholarship | $500 |
Number of Scholarships | 1 Scholarship to each of 5 Schools. |
Year Requirements | High School Senior |
Eligibility Requirements | Merit, Need, and Type of Study |
Available to General Public | Yes |
High School (s) Required | Colfax |
Application | Paper Application available through Guidance Councilor |
High School (s) Required | Waterville and Mansfield |
Application | Paper Application available through Guidance Councilor |
Local Lodge scholarship programs are independent.
The Washington Masonic Services Scholarship program does not replace Local Lodge scholarships.
Links to Other Scholarship Resources:
Washington DeMolay Scholarship Information & Links
NW Rainbow Scholarship Information & Links
Washington Job’s Daughters International Scholarship Opportunities
The above is compiled to assist those seeking scholarships. This information is always being updated. If there is a Lodge that would like to have their information added, please contact the Deputy Director Aaron Simon at or at (253) 267-8625.