Pricing – No Fees, Donations Gladly Accepted

Our goal is to ensure that our clients are healthy, happy and safe, and that their families and loved-ones have peace of mind.   Washington Masonic Charities charges no fees for our services, but we do ask that people consider making a donation to help us be able to help others.

Clients are responsible for independently paying the costs of third party in-home care, assisted living, or facility-based skilled care. In some instances, after a thorough review of client finances and resources, and depending on availability of charitable resources, Washington Masonic Charities may be able to assist in the short term with the cost of in-home care or facility-based skilled care as bridge until the client is qualified for Medicaid services. This is based on need and on a first-come, first-served basis.

How it Works

  • Contact one of our our Masonic Outreach Services case managers at 844-288-3531
  • A preliminary screening will be conducted to determine initial approach
  • Based on the determined need we may offer information and referral, independent living support coordination, skilled care support coordination, or limited charitable assistance
  • Our case manager will schedule an in-home visit to conduct a thorough assessment
  • If you are seeking financial assistance or support, with your cooperation, we will conduct a thorough financial review to help identify existing resources, entitlements available to you or your loved one, potential community resources, and then Masonic resources
  • Our case manager will use the assessment to develop recommendations and a plan
  • If you are agreeable to the options and the plan, we will secure your approval to proceed and provide appropriate assistance

Financial assistance is available for qualified individuals.  Inquire to determine eligibility.

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