Every Mason is given a “Lambskin or white Leather Apron " by his Lodge when he receives his first degree of Masonry. This apron is to be kept and worn with pride during his life, “… and at his death, to be placed upon the coffin which shall contain his mortal remains, and be with them laid in their final resting place…”. In the cases where the apron does not travel with the Brother, but ends up at the Lodge, or with his family, the Grand Lodge of Washington has created an alternate final resting place in a crypt at Grand Mound, Washington If you have a Masonic apron that belonged to a Washington Jurisdiction Masonic relative and you do not know how to dispose of it, please contact us and we will coordinate with Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington to have the apron placed in our Masonic Apron Memorial located in Grand Mound, WA.
Masonic Apron Memorial
Please note: This Memorial is reserved for members belonging to Masonic Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington. Due to space limitations we are unable to accept Masonic Aprons from Masons who were from outside of Washington State’s jurisdiction (unless they were plural members, at least one Lodge being a Washington State Lodge). Please contact your local Lodge or Grand Lodge.
Process: Each apron received by the Library and Museum is given an artifact number and documented with a photo. Aprons of significant historical value or unique in some manner are kept within the Museum for display or research. Those not kept by the Museum are sealed and placed, by the Grand Master, in the Crypt during an annual event at Grand Mound. These Museum web pages document those aprons which have come through this process. One purpose is to assist future genealogical research by descendants of the Brother.
Please call (253) 442-2505 to make arrangements.